The #1 issue I notice with a lot of my clients is DRY scalp/locs. They are always asking me, "How can I keep my locs moisturized?" So...I decided to title my first blog, "5 Things You Can Start Doing Today..." (like right now), that will create or add moisture to your locs. They are in no particular order. You can try one thing or try them all.
**Secret Tip: These things will only work if you try them.
1. Get your night time routine together.
If you are not tying your locs down at night or if you don't have a satin pillow case, it won't matter how much oil you put in your locs. Using cotton pillow cases or neglecting to cover your locs/scalp with a satin scarf will leave it exposed to the air and allow the cotton to soak up all the oil in your hair. You can find satin pillow cases under $20 at a discount store and a satin head scarf from a local beauty store for a few dollars.
2. Clarify.
Product build up will stop the most beautiful locs from shining. Find a good clarifying shampoo and wash your hair at least once a month, at the least! Make sure to follow up with a good moisturizing shampoo. If your'e already washing your hair and you still have product build up, you may need to get what I call, a loc detox. I offer it as a service, but if you are unable to get to me, an ACV rinse(google it) should do the job. Whatever you do, DO NOT use boiling water to do the rinse, you will cause heat damage to your locs and they will fall out. Make sure to oil your hair after each wash.
3. Oil Your Hair.
Just that simple. I recommend using K. Essentials Hair Oil. Its the perfect oil blend for locs and loose natural hair. Its blended with oils that help to grow, thicken, condition, clean, and ease dry scalp. You can purchase it here. I personally oil my locs in the morning and at night. I recommend daily or as needed. I've noticed a huge difference in the texture and the moisture level of my hair. Our hair needs oil, like our body needs water. Oil Your Hair!
4. Water is life.
This is one of my favorite things on this list, because it works instantly! I use a small water bottle, something you can carry with you through out the day, and fill most of it with distilled water. I prefer to use distilled water, because it doesn't have a lot of the harsh minerals that tap water has. After majority of the bottle is filled, I fill the rest with K. Essentials Hair Oil. Because water is the #1 moisturizer, your hair instantly opens up and receives the oil. The oil then seals that moisture in. I use this when my hair needs a pick me up and its too dry or cold outside to keep the moisture in my hair.
5. Stop using conditioners.
Constant conditioners creates build up in locs. There is only one instance where I will use conditioners. That is immediately after a color job. Conditioner is a very important step in the color process, so I use it but I don't use a lot nor do I keep it on the hair long. However, when you're packing on conditioner and doing 45 minute treatments every wash day, it will get stuck in your locs. Replace your deep conditioning treatment with a hot oil leave in with K. Essentials Hair Oil. Heat the oil until its warm, put it all over your hair and cover with a plastic cap (no heat). I keep it on for at least 30 minutes, you can style or dry on low heat after removing the cap.
Start trying these things today and notice the difference in your moisture levels. Share this list with anyone you know who has locs or loose natural hair. Don't forget to get your bottle of K. Essentials here.
Want to know something? Or have questions? Feel free to email me at theartoflocs@gmail.com to submit your question. Thank you for reading.
I don’t have locs, but these tips were very helpful ? Thx!